I couldn't believe the cost to go to the fair this year! $12 per adult, $8 per child, $10 for parking, $6 per pony ride, $4 for each child for the petting zoo and lord knows how much gets spent on food. This year we were fortunate to win an adult admission ticket to the State Fair. The contest was to make your Facebook profile a picture from the State Fair and the best were chosen as winners. I chose a picture from the girls' first trip there when they were about 11 months old.

A long warm day of people watching, petting zoo & new sights, sounds and tastes wore them out. They were out cold before we hit the exit gate. People kept looking at them & smiling. Random strangers were taking pictures of my children!
This year the girls were able to participate in more activities - that meant we had to give in to letting them ride one amusement ride. It may look pretty lame & boring, but you'd be surprised how much they enjoyed it!

We also made sure to go on the pony ride. Not just because there would have been a coup in the Taylor household had we not, but also because we've gotten a picture of them riding the ponies each year. It's kinda like one of those wall charts you hang on a door to see how much you've grown.
It's eerie how much Alessa looks like I did when I was her age.

Caleigh would have happily gone around in circles all day long. Especially since she was able to tease Alessa a bit because she got Tiki, the horse Alessa had last year. How do they remember these things?

The petting zoo is their favorite though. I don't know where they get it :) The girls say hello to EVERY animal in there from wallaby to goat, duck to llama. Alessa has always been the one to immediately seek out on of the largest animal in any area, and today was no exception. Alessa made her rounds, greeting all the creatures like long absent friends and then she stopped dead in her tracks.

There in front of her was a big brown llama (possibly an alpaca, large spitting creatures are not my forte). She latched onto this poor creature and wouldn't leave its side for AN HALF AN HOUR. She slung her arm around Monty's neck (the handlers were quite amused with Alessa's antics & told us the creature's name) and procceeded to introduce Monty to everyone who came into the petting zoo.

When it became apparent that Alessa had found a friend and wasn't about to let it go anytime soon, Caleigh decided she'd go for one better and found this fellow who had been hiding in the corner trying to make himself unnoticable.

The girls had a great time and spent a long while chatting with their new furry friends. Eventually, it was time to leave and the girls bade their new friends goodbye.