Friday, June 24, 2011

The One and Only You

(hastily jotted down from a twin magazine in the doctor's waiting room)

The One and Only You
Someone will always be smarter. Their house will be bigger.

They will drive a better car. Their children will do better than yours in school.
And their partner will fix more things around the house than yours does.
So let it go – and love you and your circumstances.

Think about it: The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart.
And the most highly favored woman on your job may be unable to have children.
The richest woman you know – the one with the car, the house, the clothes –
Might be heartbreakingly lonely.
So love YOU. Love who you are right NOW.
Tell yourself, “I’m too blessed to be stressed.”

Be blessed, ladies, and share this message to encourage another woman:
“To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world.”

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The girls have become fascinated with snails. Though I'm not crazy about the critters, I have no "flowerbed" so to speak of (thank you Crazy Cat Lady next door) that they could devour, so for the most part I just leave them be. They've become a source of endless amusement for my girls though. The same poor 3 snails get mauled repeatedly - slid off whatever they happened to be climbing at the time and plopped unceremoniously into a bug catcher.

You may think I'm unhinged for allowing, nay, even encouraging, my girls to play with snails. As long as they wash their hands when they come inside or before they have a snack, I really don't see the harm. Have you ever placed one in a clear plastic container & just watched it? The undulating muscles of its pseudopod (read - big, slimy foot) is amazing to watch & their faces, with the long eye stalks & shorter I-don't-know-what stalks can almost look expressive. But I digress...

This evening they were observing a pair of snails they had collected while I was getting dinner ready. Caleigh, in her endless wonderings asked me why some people don't like snails. I explained that a lot of people, like Grandma & Grandpa, work very hard to make their gardens look beautiful and that they don't like holes in their flowers - besides that, some people are kinda grossed out by the slimy part, I added.

Caleigh mulled over this for a few minutes while she observed the snail travel across the Glad container. Then she turned to me.

"I like snails. They look like they could be cute & cuddley... but mostly slimy."