After saying goodbye to Daddy, the girls & I started our day. I dropped them off at kindergarten and then headed to work, just like any other day. I let my boss know that I'd need to take a longer break so I could zip back to pick up the girls at 11:40, but it shouldn't take long. :::dun dun DUN:::
I continued my crazy all-children-cooped-up-inside-because-it's-rainy day not thinking any more about it. As I served my students lunch, I happened to glance at the clock and noticed it was 11:30. I all but tossed my aide the bowl of hard boiled eggs I was serving and with a chant of "PEACHES!!! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh..." I virtually ran out the front door to go pick up my girls. I knew that even though Alessa would eat the hard boiled eggs, Caleigh would turn her nose up at them and neither of them would touch the blanched broccoli. I decided I'd permit myself a quick run though the drive-thru and be back at work within 20 minutes. So much for THAT part of my New Years resolution huh?
I reached the school in record time and waited with the other parents who were huddled under the small awning - hoping my children would appear among the first few students so I could get back to work. No such luck. Alessa appeared & started chatting with another child for a moment before I asked, "Where's your sister?"
Their teacher looked at me with a look on her face & said, "She's probably dragging her feet."
"Oh? Any more than usual?" I asked.
It was at this moment that Alessa, in all the "my sibling is in trouble and I'm relishing the fact that I'm not in trouble" glory said, "She's in trouble! You'll be getting an email."
What? My stomach dropped as I looked back at her teacher and received a confirming nod. Her teacher explained that Caleigh had been talking quite a bit in class today, had been asked to stop, continued to do so, and when she was reprimanded for it (go to her desk while other children were on the carpet) she pitched a royal fit. MY little one was the subject of one of THOSE notes home. :::sigh:::
Caleigh trudged around the corner & followed me forlornly to the car. I couldn't very well give her a happy meal now. Heck, I was debating whether or not to even go through with the sleep over they were supposed to have at Grandma & Grandpa's. I knew what I had to do to prove to my child that there were consequences to our actions.
I ran back home with my children, threw together a jelly sandwich and quickly sliced an apple and threw them in a brown sack. I then DID go to McDonalds, BUT only one happy meal was ordered. We broke sound barriers getting back to my job & I sat the girls down for lunch... and I only missed 30 minutes of work. A grand total of $6.50 (minus taxes) to prove to my challenging child that my bluff cannot be called? I'd say it was worth it.
I ran back home with my children, threw together a jelly sandwich and quickly sliced an apple and threw them in a brown sack. I then DID go to McDonalds, BUT only one happy meal was ordered. We broke sound barriers getting back to my job & I sat the girls down for lunch... and I only missed 30 minutes of work. A grand total of $6.50 (minus taxes) to prove to my challenging child that my bluff cannot be called? I'd say it was worth it.
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