I'd like to thank my friend Robin for unknowingly inspiring me to start it up. I go to her blog almost daily in hopes of reading another tale of John :) I realized that virtually every day my girls do or say something that brings me to the verge of tears - sometimes from frustration, sometimes from laughing so hard - and if I don't write them down, I'm liable to forget.
I know it's terribly difficult to look on the bright side of things when one child has just upended your entire cup of cranberry juice and the other is screaming because the cup was unintentionally upended ON them. I know it's tough not to look at spot cleaning the carpet as yet ANOTHER thing being added to the never-ending "To Do" list. I know how hard it is not to scream when you've finally put down one child and you get no more than 20 minutes of slumber before the other is suddenly awake and sobbing. However, in the grand scheme of things, it's nothing. The seemingly endless diaper changes, midnight feedings (and 2am...and 4am...) and mind-numbing sleep deprivation all too quickly turns to 2 indignant preschoolers with arms akimbo stating, "I can do it MYSELF." :::sigh:::
Yay! Can't wait to start checking YOUR blog every day in hopes of seeing updates on the twins!