Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Swallowing The Frog

There is currently a book about overcoming procrastination that likens the unpleasant tasks we have to complete as "frogs" and states that the best thing to do is to "eat the frog" first. We all have one or a few frogs we have to swallow each day, but if you eat it early you don't have to spend the day watching the frog jumping around before you eat it.

I think laundry is my "frog" and most frustrating of all household chores. I procrastinate and procrastinate until it is MANDATORY that I wash the clothes (read: as of tomorrow, my children will have no more clean underpants). It's because of my procrastination that the whole ordeal becomes more terrible - I now have ~9 loads of wash to do. The horrendous catch with laundry is this: unless you're doing laundry while everyone in the family is nude & the beds are stripped, THERE IS ALWAYS MORE LAUNDRY to be done!!! :::sigh:::

The girls & I sat on the floor tonight sorting their laundry to be washed. They've gotten pretty good at it & like to do "their" job. To keep from losing those little socks, I put all of them in a "delicates" bag with a zipper. As long as I remember to actually zip it up, it works so very well that I can honestly say I have never had one of my girls' socks drop out of my pant leg while in public. The girls take relish in going through the mountain of their clothes & placing all the socks in said bag as well as tossing all underpants in the laundry basket and placing all the towels to the side.

I actually enjoy the sorting (& folding afterward). The girls like to sit & talk with me & race to find all the socks while I go through turning all the clothes right-side out and spotcleaning them. I know, it sounds exceptionally OCD to put OxyClean on every mark & stain, but it has made me one of the top sellers in the Mothers of Multiples Clothing & Equipment Sale for the last 4 sales. It may take a few extra minutes each time I do their laundry, but it means more clothes make it through the beating my girls give them.

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