I think laundry is my "frog" and most frustrating of all household chores. I procrastinate and procrastinate until it is MANDATORY that I wash the clothes (read: as of tomorrow, my children will have no more clean underpants). It's because of my procrastination that the whole ordeal becomes more terrible - I now have ~9 loads of wash to do. The horrendous catch with laundry is this: unless you're doing laundry while everyone in the family is nude & the beds are stripped, THERE IS ALWAYS MORE LAUNDRY to be done!!! :::sigh:::
The girls & I sat on the floor tonight sorting their laundry to be washed. They've gotten pretty good at it & like to do "their" job. To keep from losing those little socks, I put all of them in a "delicates" bag with a zipper. As long as I remember to actually zip it up, it works so very well that I can honestly say I have never had one of my girls' socks drop out of my pant leg while in public. The girls take relish in going through the mountain of their clothes & placing all the socks in said bag as well as tossing all underpants in the laundry basket and placing all the towels to the side.
I actually enjoy the sorting (& folding afterward). The girls like to sit & talk with me & race to find all the socks while I go through turning all the clothes right-side out and spotcleaning them. I know, it sounds exceptionally OCD to put OxyClean on every mark & stain, but it has made me one of the top sellers in the Mothers of Multiples Clothing & Equipment Sale for the last 4 sales. It may take a few extra minutes each time I do their laundry, but it means more clothes make it through the beating my girls give them.
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