Monday, July 20, 2009

Vacation Day 3: Backyard Playday

We drag out 3 inflatable wading pools, the water table & the little trampoline. We toss plastic cups & toys in the water & strew balls across the grass. We bring out the wagon & uncover the sandbox. Then we wait.

Soon the sound of minivan doors can be heard on the street and excited squeals enter the yard as one by one 7 or 8 sets of twins and their families come tumbling through the gate. Happy chaos ensues for the next 2 1/2 hours as the children play together, make up games and move from one mom to the next - grazing on goldfish, strawberries or Pirate's Booty.

We moms get a few hours of adult socialization knowing our little ones are safe in an enclosed area - aka completely fenced with latched gates. One of the moms brings her infant and we get our Baby Lust sated - for the time being.

Soon eyes are being rubbed and tempers shorten. The Witching Hour/Naptime Meltdown approaches. Time to clean up - everything is more fun as a game - let's see how fast we can empty the wading pools with these cups! Many hands make light work. Popcicles are presented as a reward and the sticky bunch reluctantly poses for a snapshot.

As as fast as it began, it's over. The only sign of the morning's enjoyment is a patch of flattened grass where blankets were once spread.

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